Pelican Beach Resort Renovations - November 2023
Beginning November, 2023, the Pelican Beach Resort will be undergoing a waterproofing process on the exterior walkways of the building. A comprehensive schedule has been prepared to assure minimal impact to guests and owners and the schedule calls for work to be focused on specific portions of the building at one time. No guest or owner will be allowed to access the units, and elevators will be disabled on those floors.
Given below is a more granular and easier to understand schedule (dates did not change). This is the latest, best-guess estimate of the dates for work on each floor. We do not expect to have an updated schedule until we are much closer to the start date, which is Oct 16.
Every floor will be completely closed for 2 weeks in line with the below schedule and all floors will be tentatively closed between 01/15/2024 to 01/28/2024 as a contingency. If a floor is completed without a need to close again, it will be removed from contingency and we will inform you.
The Latest Schedule

Please continue to monitor the project with the Pelican Beach HOA. We will be monitoring and adjusting our plans to reducing impact to our guests and owners.